Latest version.
  • (A) No person or organization shall engage in the business or practice of collecting or disposing of refuse, compost refuse, special refuse, or recyclable material without first obtaining approval of the City Commission.
    (B) No material collection license shall be issued except upon application to the City Clerk. At a minimum, the application must include the following information:
    (1) A description of the methods and equipment which the applicant proposes to use for collecting refuse, compost refuse, and recyclables in the city;
    (2) A description of the type of collection to be provided and the part of the city which it will affect;
    (3) A plan for meeting the precollection requirements outlined in §§ 50.06 through § 50.09;
    (4) Proof of liability insurance as required by city policy;
    (5) A plan for meeting all collection and disposal requirements outlined in other relevant city, county, state, and federal regulations as appropriate; and
    (6) The name and address of the city-designated site or sites to be used to dispose of each material collected.
    (C) The City Clerk shall submit all these applications to the City Manager, who may approve the applications of the persons or organizations as deemed to be in the best interest of the city and its inhabitants.
    (D) The City Commission may establish by resolution a license fee to be paid by the applicant upon receipt of the material collection license.
    (E) Whenever an application made hereunder has been approved by the City Manager, the City Clerk shall, upon payment of any established fee by the applicant, issue a material collection license.
    (F) Unless revoked under circumstances hereinafter provided, every material collection license shall expire on the next succeeding January 1 following its issuance.
    (G) (1) The city may restrict the number of material collection licenses issued and the scope of service of the licenses, based on:
    (a) The geographic area to be served;
    (b) The population sector to be served (such as residential, commercial);
    (c) The type of material to be collected;
    (d) The points of collection (such as the curb, alley, or other location); and/or
    (e) The schedule of the collections.
    (2) A license may only be used for the scope of services expressly stated in the material collection license.
    (H) A material collection license issued under this chapter may be revoked if:
    (1) Any part of this chapter is violated; or
    (2) If the terms of the license are violated.
    (I) No licensed collector shall dispose of refuse, compost material, and/or recyclable material at sites other than those specified in the terms of the collector’s material collection license.
    (1993 Code, § 50.14) (Ord. 90-4, passed 8-20-1990) Penalty, see § 50.99