Latest version.
  • (A) No person shall make any excavation in, or cause any damage to, any street in the city, except under the conditions and in the manner permitted in this subchapter. No person shall place any article, thing, or obstruction in any street, except under the conditions and in the manner permitted in this code.
    (B) This section shall not be deemed to prohibit any temporary obstructions as may be incidental to the expeditious movement of articles and things to and from abutting premises, the lawful parking of vehicles within the part of the street reserved for vehicular traffic, or the installation of traffic or directional signs by the city or other authorized governmental agency.
    (C) No person shall occupy any street with any materials or machinery incidental to the construction, demolition, or repair of any building adjacent to the street, or for any other purpose, without first obtaining a permit from the City Manager. No permit shall be granted until the applicant shall post a cash deposit and file a liability insurance policy as required by § 95.03.
    (1993 Code, § 95.02)